Lesson 7 of 10
In Progress

How tro pronunce some Canadian places

Here are the pronunciations for more Canadian places:

  1. Toronto: tuh-RAHN-toh
  2. Vancouver: VAN-koo-ver
  3. Montreal: mawn-tree-AWL
  4. Calgary: KAHL-guh-ree
  5. Quebec City: keh-BECK sih-tee
  6. Ottawa: AH-tuh-wuh
  7. Edmonton: ED-muhn-tuhn
  8. Winnipeg: WIN-uh-peg
  9. Saskatoon: suh-SKUH-toon
  10. Halifax: HAL-uh-faks

Keep in mind that Canadian English may have regional variations in pronunciation, but these are the generally accepted pronunciations for these places. Listening to native speakers and practicing will help you master the nuances of pronunciation.



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